The project on the creation of technology transfer hubs in higher education institutions can contribute to the development of a vibrant innovation ecosystem, foster collaboration between academia and industry, and drive economic growth in the region.
· Establish Technology Transfer Hubs to manage intellectual property and commercialize academic research.
· Strengthen entrepreneurial culture in universities through resources, mentorship, and training.
· Promote awareness of technology transfer among staff, students, and alumni.
· Facilitate partnerships between universities and industries for joint research projects and technology licensing.
To create a dynamic and sustainable ecosystem for technology transfer and innovation between higher education institutions and industry in the Western Balkans, driving economic development and intellectual property utilization.
To transform the Western Balkans into a knowledge-based economy by fostering collaboration among academia, industry, and society, with a focus on green technologies and digital transformation.
· Innovation
· Collaboration
· Sustainability
· Bridging academia and industry
· Enhancing community life through sustainable solutions
As a professional group project, TECH2LINK provides advanced expertise to facilitate technology transfer and create innovative, tailored solutions. With a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), we build bridges between academia and industry, offering results-oriented solutions for innovation and growth.
Co-Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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